The Cookbook to end all cookbooks
2,438 pages, 1522 recipes, 50lbs and a price tag of $600 dollars,
now that's a cookbook
See what happens when you combine a foodie and a scientist into one person, having earned advanced degrees in geophysics, space physics,
and theoretical and mathematical physics.
He is also the chief technology officer and chief strategist of Microsoft.
"The perfect omelette (or scrambled eggs) ratio: for optimum texture and flavour, Myhrvold uses three egg yolks and two egg whites
cooked at 165° Fin a steam oven".
This is just one recipe
Modernist Cuisine consists of five major volumes plus a spiral-bound kitchen manual, which reprints recipes and reference tables from the major volumes on water-resistant paper for use while cooking. The set is the most expensive newly published food book in history. The audience for the authoritative reference is diverse—“chefs, food scientists, people who travel for food, people who like to know what chefs are thinking.”
Currently in its third printing, it’s sold out in the U.S.
Modernist Cuisine, self-published by Nathan Myhrvold, abetted by the fortune he amassed in his 14 years at Microsoft, has been heralded as a culinary landmark. In the forward, Spanish chef and food wizard Ferran Adrià praises it as “a stepping stone to the future of cooking” and “a book that raises expectations of what cooking can be.”
If anyone is thinking of what to get me for my birthday, this is it!!!!
The Spaniard